Readme for Sex&TheSingleAdventuress
This module is meant as IMMATURE ADULT HUMOR only!
Please read the first part of this file before running the mod as it will
give you some background and EXPLAIN WHERE ALL THE FILES IN THE ZIP MUST
This module was not extensively play tested before I released it in July
(just 2 people I know, it ran fine for them.) If it blows up for you
(or you think my spelling *sucks* which it does - hey I'm a science major
not a lit major) too bad Im done with it and dont plan to fix it.
It started out as just the small inside the castle part and expanded by
request of a friend.
Ok slight plan change (September): I am tweaking it a little one last time
so that your pet Cats don't attack you when you pilfer their chests and if
you go Giant questing without money you will be able to return when you get
more money, and you cannot kill the Footman by accident.
A computer programmer fan, Steele, has done a rewrite to polish scads of
the details of my mod and I think what he did is pretty fine and must have
been a lot of work. When he sent his first rewrite to me out of the blue,
I half-jokingly sent him a few dozen other "details" I would fix or add if
I had the time and (What a guy!) he added them all!!!!!! He also rewrote
some of the scripts to do the same things but with more efficient code
(for those interested in script writing this is especially nice - I learned
a lot by looking at his scripts)
I plan to make a few last tweaks of my own to his final version myself
(I still have two pages of details that should be attended to and I want
to switch my sasa.hak graphics to high resolution) and release it later
as "Sex & The Single Adventuress - Relaid" (Rerolled being taken, LOL)
I wrote this mod using a fairly high end computer that could take all
the highest settings of sound and graphics NWN offered and blaze through
it. If you have a lower end machine the town will be slow loading :(
If youre even a teeny bit prudish you will think it is pure porn so you
should NOT play it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If youre even a teeny bit prudish you will think it is pure porn so you
should NOT play it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DON'T SAY YOU WEREN'T WARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Heck, if I didn't know it was all one big joke, I might be shocked too.)
Please note that the mod is not intended to be porn but rather a cartoon
send-up of male oriented porn, it was created for the following reasons:
a. As totally tongue in cheek sex humor. It is just one long running
JOKE, and yes, my old college roommate and I have very warped senses of
humor when it comes to all the men weve dated or who wanted to date us!
Some of the guys in this mod are actually toned down from their real
life models; some are based on real guys we said a big Ewwwwwwwwww, Drop
Dead to! I fully admit the language is crude and probably offensive.
At least it isn't the true love romantic drivel that passed for the
romances for the female PC's in BG2 or NWN.
b. Just to see if I could get certain things to happen by scripts,
conversations, triggers, ondeath, onaquire I admit it got a little out
of hand and went way over the top.
The mod would never have been made if
1.) My boyfriend hadnt gone out of town for a week,
2.) It wasnt summer vacation,
3.) All the online obsession with jiggly nude women in whorehouses
hadn't needed a comeback. Also - I've noted that even the official game
itself was skewed heavily to offering the male PC variety but not the
female PC. We were stuck with Gend who kept defending that cretin Aribeth
and obsessing on his duty to his Lord! Sheesh, if anyone in the game
deserved death she did! Her lover was a loser/wuss so there is no way
she'd "go bad" because of him. She must have been evil to the core to
begin with - even if her boobs jiggled.
So if you have a humorous dirty mind - Try this mod and I hope you have
fun. My gaming motto is always be thorough and go though everything twice!
It is rude & crude, it will do it's best to offend (within the limited
animations and cartoon format). Be prepared to let your PC-gal enjoy
sex with and use sex on just about every sentient single male over the
age of consent. The Story of "O" Neverwinter style. While some fighting
is included (make sure to search dead bodies!) it is not the focus.
Just don't come crying to me if you hate it (for any reason) - just delete
Final Note:
This is meant to be single player - The PC must be female and very high
level (or the quests don't work because she can't wear the outfits and
most of the guys are strictly hetro.) All the women are hetro or not
single but some are still part of the plot! This written by a woman
poking fun (with suggestions from her best friend) at sex and games
we've both known.
Sex&TheSingleAdventuress.mod - goes in your NWN/modules folder.
SASA.Hak - This goes in your NWN/hak folder. The Nude PLT textures were
done by me, the male (thin and fat) pelvis model replacements were done
by me, the jiggle-mdls are from ILmaTeR's hak pak (although I did a couple
on my own before I found his full line of work).
phaedradracca.bic - A copy of a Level 20 Wizard I designed the game
around which, if you use her the file needs to go in your NWN/localvault
Azure*.tga - Five Portrait files for above character Azure*.tga, they
go in NWN/portraits folder.
This module is meant as IMMATURE ADULT HUMOR only!
This next section contains information from a few of the posts I put on
the board and that are now in archives there:
1). If you would like to play with a PC that is not level 20 you can edit
your nwnplayer.ini file:
Find these two lines and set them =0 as shown:
Single Player ItemLevelRestrictions=0
Single Player Enforce Legal Characters=0
2). The combined effect Stun+Knockdown would crash the game before
patch 1.19 of NWN. To avoid this crash: either patch your game
to ver 1.19 or higher, have your character wear the dragon boots (immune
to knockdown), or edit the devildeath script before starting the mod
to remove the line containing the stun+knockdown effect.
3). Some people have been disappointed as the sex was not realistic,
some have been worried it would be too realistic, some assume without
playing the game or reading this readme that it is suppose to be actual
Here are a few of my replies (more can be found in the comment page
archives on NWVAULT)
>>>>>>>>>>>>If you download this module for porn - you are wasting your time!
This mod is not intended as porn and yes, it should look and sound at least
vaguely like a "cheap d-grade porn movie" (are there any other kind?)
because it is poking fun at them!
Now some people get this, some don't - they see the cartoon sex and
can't hack it (LOL).
This mod pokes fun at the world of porn for men from my point of view
and was my response to several things:
a. the endless parade of nude/jiggly haks (which of course are included
in my game)
b. the sappy excuse for a love story in NWN and other RPG's
c. the over population of prostitutes (nearly all females) in games
d. the only sex in the official game was in bordellos!
Also a lot is taken from events from real life. You've maybe never
served drinks in a bar to half drunken guys in groups? How about had
a professor crawl on hands and knees
down the halls after class begging you to go out with him because you
fliply told him this is what it would take for you to even consider
it? A guy say he's going to marry you and "rescue you" (ha) before
he's known you 20 minutes?
The list is endless, somedays you can't make it out of the grocery store
without being hit on. I want to say again, most men don't act this way,
but a select few do.
The PC responds in the game the way no sane woman would but in
ways these men must think we will.
Warning: if you try these approaches in real life you will be lucky if you just
get a "drop dead". ;)
Now, if you like porn and think this is, it doesn't matter to me.
If you hate porn and think this is, it doesn't matter to me.
If sex humor just isn't your thing, skip this mod.
Besides some of the funniest stuff is in the shopping jokes! I mean one
of the main quests is to turn up a killer outfit! And there are side quests
involving shoes, jewelry, and gems! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>As far as being a "sex mod"
I didn't think you meant it as slander but I just thought you meant that
you thought I was actually trying to make it realistic sex and were
disappointed when it wasn't. That seems to have been a disappointment to some.
Frankly, I don't think realistic sex is do-able with the toolset and
animations in NWN anyway. I admit this mod is not everyone's cup of tea :)
And I still have to say, even with sex, 65000 downloads is shocking to me!
I didn't promote the mod or curry votes - and I know some people are mad
cause it got named to the Hall of Fame/Infamy ;) as it was "just a sex mod".
Oh well. ;P <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yes, the blackouts are part of the script.
There are no sex animations in the game! The only things I used that were
not part of the default toolset were the cartoon nude skins and the jiggle
There is also a nearness limit on characters in the game and they will bump
and skid apart if they come to close.
I won't swear to it, but there don't seem to be any animations allowing
characters to touch each other. The blackouts are to cover up (ala TV -
at least US TV) - and to be funny!
There was never any intention that this be realistic sex anyway!
It's a game not a sex video. The sex text messages are meant to be
completely ridiculous - not true to life. It's definitely "safe sex" -
I loved that comment! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Email me if you need more specific help. Someone has offered to write
a detailed walkthrough and I will post it if she finishes it.
Pull every lever, rope Touch stuff for clues. All plot doors have keys,
conversations, or other devices to open them. Some non-plot doors and chests
are very tough to bash (sorry fighters) but all that don't have keys or
other devices are easy to pick or knock. Any item with a thought bubble
is probably important. Except the doors to nowhere - there were so many
doors in the scenery tiles and I got sick of making them go to family houses
and unnecessary areas and I didn't want you to waste time trying to open them.
Search dead bodies some plot items spawn on deaths. Conversations sometimes
have more than one thread, but the other threads do give clues. Some threads
don't open the first time you talk to someone but only after other things
are done. If stuck, try the dragon or read the journal notes. The main
quests are driven by her conversation threads. You will need about 200000 gp
give or take I put a couple ways to get fast money in the game if your
PC is poor. The TAB key is helpful if you are not good at finding hot spots.
Try not to click when on conversation cut scenes or they may not finish
NOTE: Knockdown Stun Effect sometimes crashes the game if you haven't patched
to v.1.21. (On the other hand your level 3 PC can were the level 20 items
if you don't have the 1.21 patch which I think is bad but hey, whatever.)
Undetailed Walkthrough.
1. Start the ball rolling by seeing Micca and searching your bedroom.
Pull lever, read the store item names and descriptions. Don't buy anything
until you know what you need. He doesn't take returns. You should find
eventually the Library Key here. As well as a few outfits just for fun.
2. Go down one level not much here at first except my cats Cyrano and
Roxanne, I wanted to have them lay down and nap but there is no lay down
animation for the cats :( and the snoring sounds were too horrible.
3. Go down to main floor and go to Library. See Avadorn to get quest.
4. See your guard (after librarian is important) then go back to
Librarian then you can get your book.
5. Once you have the book, see your footman and the Rudy chef (both on
ground floor).
6. Footman will clue you in what to buy from Micca. Then return to
7. Summon/wake-up the butler by his pulling his bell rope on ground
floor. (Locked closet south of kitchen)
8. See the Giles the butler and get Tia's wardstone.
9. Go talk to the Dragon (use throne room portal). Get red panties
from her. Get Chef item and Cellar Key while down here. Go give Rudy
his turnip timer.
10. Head down to your cellars/treasure room. An Important key is
inside an object in the cellars.
11. See Vlad you will need to wear a level 20 required item to get
what you need from him, he will give you first dragon gem.
12. Head back to the dragon. Conversation and quests should be blatant
at this point and you may now leave the castle.
Main Quest Hint: On ground floor - chess board room go toward the SW corner.
Originally I put this in for error checking the main quest but it was funny
if you take a familiar with you and realize what the trigger does so I left
it in.
1. Return to see the Dragon whenever you have a Flawless Gem.
2. Return to Tia after you have 8 of the 9 Blue Fairy items.
3. Rescue the baby, kill Jethro, and get the shroud/9th item.
(Replace wardstone by going to temple lost items pool.) YOU ONLY GET ONE
4. Return the baby to Tia.
Most things can be done now or later, The Contest Judges can be started
but you will need all 9 fairy book items to complete them all (almost the
Things you can do early or late:
1. Sign up for the contest at Venus Inn. (2nd most important quest!)
2. Check out Rock's House Party.(Quest info)
3. Go to Tia's temple. Open new portal here.
4. Go Shopping. (Can earn extra money by buying on sale and returning
for full price after sex, no receipts required!)
5. Biff, a lot, 'till they give you a reward.
6. Visit Judges 1st time for mini quests. Make note of "thought bubble"
objects/doors in each judges home.
7. Clear out the 2 town baddie-nests. You must do as the sign says and
pony up the dough at the cult. Each place has a plot item you need to get.
Find these in the city wall houses of each "ear".
8. Practice with your buddies at the tavern.
9. Flatter and kiss up to the Green Fairy (also known as the bank
of MickeyMouseton if you are poor rich adventurers just get fairy dust.)
Upstairs at the Venus Inn.
OTHER: Admire the never-ending metaphor for the battle of the sexes in the
arena, the giggling chickens, the party one-liners, and the weird trysts in
Rocks bedrooms. Be annoyed by entering the Family house lots of times.
Things you can do later:
1. Enter the Wizard tower. You will need to go in at least twice to
get the fairy staff.
2. See the Judges 2nd (and sometimes 3rd) time. Look for thought bubble
objects in each judges home or an object sending server messages.
3. Return to Rocks Party for Party Biff.
Things near end:
1. Do the Judges. Look for thought bubble objects in each judge's
home or object that sends you server messages.
2. See the Furgeson's for end of module.
1. Enter the BigHunk caves. Some fighting and ends with an amulet
quest item and another dragon gem. (Take it to Tia!)
2. Note territory has some map-notes for places that open later.
3. Clear out the graveyard search graves for minor quest item.
Later :( triggered by doing earlier quests)
1. Enter Farinar's Lair and take out his ghost. Get Antiquing notes,
mirror gloves, & throat sprayer. Can only exit by wardstone.
Still Later :( triggered by doing earlier quests)
1. Enter Shrine (and Slave tower inside there - talk to each group leader)
Free Milo by talking to the river mouths and killing succubus queen and of
course having sex. Get the Garter.
2. Enter Lonely Mill and its basement, close hell gate. Invite the lich
to live in your throne room and get the glass um... boots.
FROST GIANTS: (See Capt. Vurbag in the docks of MickeyMouseton, Must get
rid of wardstone or he won't sail. Pick it up when you return.)
1. Enter Prison.
2. Save Eurich from prison.
3. See Prince Krig
4. Talk to Prince Ornest.
5. Talk to Princess Ophelia.
6. Get letter from Aurich.
7. Bargain with the King to get the two quest rings.
8. Get ruby from boat captain. (take this to Tia)
Note: once you get the rings from king you can't return here so make sure
to finish the Eurich and Aurich quest and get the ruby now!
Detail Hints on JUDGE FETISHES:
1. Declan Mince Swinger, he is into nude hot-tubbing and gaudy rose
2. Orren Graves Necrophilia, likes them striped except for shrouds
on his embalming slab/bed.
3. Dr. Dread Touchy-Feely, needs to feel he is giving you aid.
You have to relax on the yoga mats with nature influencing green rings
on (and nothing else).
4. Francis Iceheart Money, it makes him feel like a gigolo so use
the bordello bed; Strip but the room has no mirrors so wear the gloves.
5. Judge Bean Exhibitionist, strip down to just the garters, use
the courtroom bench and plead guilty.
6. Morris Fishtale S & M. See the cuffs and chains? Use them
wearing only the boots/slippers.
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